A string output is created by right-clicking on the timeline and selecting Add Output Cue.

An output cue is represented by a box-arrow-right icon on the timeline. It can be used to send a string message over TCP or UDP.

It has the following properties.

  1. Name Name of the Cue.
  2. Start Time Cue location the timeline.
  3. Protocol Output protocol to use, TCP or UDP.
  4. Port Port number to use.
  5. Data To Send The string of data to send. It supports all the usual backslash and escape sequences and all Unicode characters.

Note: 0xff are ignored.

An output string like “\xaaHej\n\tvärlden!\x10\xff” will turn out as:

aa 48 65 6a 0a 09 76 e4 72 6c 64 65 6e 21 10 ff