In this chapter you will learn about the available Capture Properties.


This section contains the possibility to set a name for the capture device and define the resolution for all cues that will be referring to the captured stream.

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  • Name a user defined name for the capture device.
  • Width defines the width, in pixels, of the cue associated with the stream being captured
  • Height defines the height, in pixels, of the cue associated with the stream being captured.


This section gives you the possibility to configure which streams the capture device should listen to.

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  • Sources shows a list of the streams that this capture device will listen to. WATCHOUT will use the first valid stream starting at the top of the list.
    • Trash can button lets you remove a specific stream.
    • Arrow Up/Down buttons allows you to rearrange the priority of the streams.
    • Remove All removes all streams that have been added to the capture device.
      • The order in which streams appear in the list will decide the order in which they will be displayed. Streams are prioritized from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority). If the topmost stream in the list is unavailable WATCHOUT attempts to stream the one below it, etc.
  • Add NDI® Source
    • Stream lists all available NDI® streams.
  • Add Capture Source
    • Host defines the name of the host/node/machine to create a capture stream from.
    • Stream lists all available, non NDI®, streams that can be captured on the selected Host.
    • Format defines the format to use for the stream.
    • Range defines the range to use for the stream.
      • Auto range means WATCHOUT uses whatever range the device decides.
      • Limited range means WATCHOUT overrides the range set by the device to a limited range, i.e. low quality.
      • Full range means WATCHOUT overrides the range set by the device to full range, i.e. high quality.