The Asset Properties window provides information about the selected asset(s) along with a few possibilities to edit the asset(s).


An asset can have multiple versions. You can see the version number section at the top of the Asset Properties window. New versions of an asset can be created by modifying the asset in the Customize section of the asset properties or by dropping a new asset in the Asset Properties window. A cue can be set to use the latest version of an asset or a fixed version of the asset.

Asset Properties Version

The Name field will show the original name of the asset but note that you may edit this name.

Below is information about the asset. The information will vary depending on the selected asset(s) and their type(s). The information section cannot be edited.

  • All asset types:
    • UUID is a universal unique identifier for the asset. When a new asset is added, or a new version of an asset is added, a new UUID is created.
      • Note that you will create two different UUID even if you load the same asset twice.
    • Type contains information about the asset type.
    • Progress is updated while an asset is being prepared for WATCHOUT.
    • It will display "processed size"/"estimated final size" "(progress in percentage)".
      • Note that once the asset preparation is done the "estimated final size" will show the actual size on the storage device.
  • Video:
    • Frame Rate contains the number of frames played per second.
  • Video/Image:
    • Color Space shows the color space used during playback.
    • Dimensions shows the resolution of the asset.
    • Codec contains information on the format used to store the data.
      • Note that it shows information in the form:
        "Original playback format" as "WATCHOUT playback format".
  • Video/Audio:
    • Duration shows the duration of the asset.
  • Audio:
    • Channels shows the number of channels available in the audio.
    • Sample Rate shows the sample rate for the audio.
  • Model:
    • Dimensions shows the size of the original model in the unit that was used when the model was created.
  • EDID
    • Export To... can be clicked to export the specific EDID asset to a file stored on your local disk.


In this section you may customize assets.

Asset Properties Customize

  • Video
    • Frame rate
    • Color Space
  • Image
    • Color Space
  • Audio
    • Sample Rate

To create a new version make your adjustments and click Create New Version. Note that if a cue refers to this asset and has its version set to Latest, the cue will automatically use the newly created version.

Asset Properties