To setup WATCHOUT Manager to autostart on login, you can use the schtask.exe command. You need to run the command in a cmd-window with administrator privileges.

Click on the Windows logo, bottom left, and type cmd.exe, then select Run as administrator (see image below).

Open CMD.exe

When the cmd-window is open, change directory to the WATCHOUT installation directory with the
cd C:\watchout7 command.

Type this line in the cmd-window:

schtasks.exe /create /tn "WATCHOUT manager" /xml c:\watchout7\wo-autostart.xml

If you have installed WATCHOUT in a different location than c:\watchout7, edit the xml file accordingly.

To edit scheduled tasks in more detail you can run the following command:

run taskschd.msc

The wo-autostart.xml file is located in the WATCHOUT installation folder.