In this section we gather some common terms that are good to be familiar with when working with audio.


An audio cue is a cue on the timeline containing an audio asset.

Audio cues


An audio device is a device capable of playing an audio. An audio device is controlled by a runner, and can be of type WASAPI, WASAPI exclusive, Dante or ASIO. A WASAPI, WASAPI exclusive or ASIO device is always hosted on the same machine as the runner, either built-in, or connected via USB, while a Dante device is attached to the network, but controlled by a Dante controller on the runners device. An audio device can have one or more channels, a typical strereo device has 2 channels.


An audio bus is a virtual mono track collecting tracks channels from one or more audio cues and transmitting onto one or more output device channels. The available buses in the system are numbered from 1 and upwards, but can also be assigned names. By default busses 1 and 2 have the names Left and Right. The available buses are visible in the channel mapping sections of the Cues and devices.


Channel mapping is the process of mapping audio cue channels to audio device channels. This is done in two stages, first stage is in the Cue properties window where the cue channels are mapped to audio buses, next stage is in the Audio Properties window, where the audio buses are mapped onto audio device channels.